Total War: WARHAMMER - Chaos Warriors For Mac

Hulking monsters, heavily armored infantry and epic cavalry form the backbone of the Warriors of Chaos’ armies. Chaos god worshipers descend from the North, leaving only desolate wasteland in their path. In terms of in-game capabilities, Warriors of Chaos are fairly limited in their potential. A distinct lack of ranged power lets them down considerably, although their power in melee is uncontested.

The core infantry units available to the Warriors of Chaos are of course Chaos Marauders, Chaos Warriors and Chosen. The latter 2 can be equipped with a variety of weapons, allowing you to tailor your build quite well. Some units are definitely worth using over others though, as you’ll see on this list!

10. Chosen

How do you destroy the chaos warriors. So I'm on turn 76 playing as the Empire I have stayed at strength 1 sence turn 9 (so power isn't a problem ) and the Warriors of chaos aren't a real threat yet there just annoying the sh!t out of me by spreading chaos corruption and having there heroes with my lords. Buy Total War: WARHAMMER for Mac and Linux from the Feral Store. Home / Total War: WARHAMMER / Warriors of Chaos / Units / Chosen (Great Weapons) Warriors of Chaos Melee Infantry Chosen (Great Weapons) Chosen are greater than their Chaotic brethren, more powerful and savage in close quarters, especially with great weapons. Total War: WARHAMMER features many races for you to choose from, each one providing a completely different playstyle. They keep you on your toes and always keep the gameplay fresh as you find new.

Honestly you could take out this entry and replace it with the great weapons or halbers variant. It really depends on your army composition, Chosen in general are overall the best infantry unit available to the Warriors of Chaos. While they lack a slightly lower unit count than the ordinary Chaos Warriors, the stats are superior enough to give them a spot on the list. Chosen sport higher stats across the board, both offensively and defensively.

9. Chaos Warhounds (Poison)

Chaos Warhounds with poison attacks might be the only entry due to personal bias. I love these guys, they’re so effective for how cheap they are. A high speed stat allows them to act as a sort of light-cavalry unit, they really shine when charging into a fight that’s already started. A rear charge will demolish the leadership of the enemy unit, while simultaneously reducing their combat stats due to poison attacks!

8. Gorebeast Chariot

All chariot units belonging to the Warriors of Chaos are great choices, the Gorebeast Chariot is a world above the regular Chaos Chariot, though. Armored, armor-piercing and bonuses vs infantry allow this unit to decimate entire ranks of enemies. On the flipside, each unit only comes with 2 models and they’re very, very vulnerable to ranged fire. Gorebeast Chariots are effective enough to make the list but weak enough to not reach the top 5.

7. Chaos Spawn

One of the most terrifying sights to behold in the Warhammer universe is a unit of Chaos Spawn, which coincidentally does cause fear but not terror. This unit has low defensive stats but if they can reach melee range, they won’t need them. Chaos Spawn will cut through infantry ranks with ease, routing enemies and destroying those foolish enough to stick around. Don’t worry about them running as soon as the fight starts to look bleak, Chaos Spawn are unbreakable too!

Total war warhammer chaos warriors unitsTotal war warhammer chaos army

6. Dragon Ogres

Dragon Ogres are ancient beings, capable of living forever if they stay away from war long enough. The battlefield is the only place they can die, giving them a huge power boost when they’re in the frey. High damage is the norm for a Dragon Ogre, as they have no problems fighting either infantry or large units, they hit hard regardless. Low defenses reduce their staying power but that’s justified, they’d be absurdly broken if they were a bit tankier!

5. Chaos Trolls (Armored)

Everyone knows how strong Trolls are, despite their lack of leadership and intelligence. A single swing from one of these beasts will cleave multiple enemies, sending them to their doom. With such offensive power, you’d think the trade-off would be a vulnerability to being focus fired. Not anymore, as Armored Chaos Trolls are one of the most difficult non-single-entity units in the entire game to kill.

4. Dragon Ogre Shaggoth

Arguably the biggest issue with units like this is their size, as every ranged unit will be able to shoot them. The Dragon Ogre Shaggoth repays the huge investment required to obtain it by accompanying itself with a massive 25% missile damage reduction. A huge HP pool, bonuses vs large and crazy high armor-piercing damage make a Dragon Ogre Shaggoth amazing in combat. It also has surprisingly high speed too, further adding to its competence on the battlefield!

3. Hellcannon

Total war warhammer chaos guide

Of all the artillery pieces the Warriors of Chaos could possibly make, you have to give them props for getting the Hellcannon spot on. Not only does it hit like a truck, each shot will reduce the leadership of enemies hit. Every Warriors of Chaos army composition needs a Hellcannon, to put it simply, there’s no reason not to include one. Also, it looks awesome, which is a huge boon in a game about immersion.

2. Chaos Knights

The bulk of cavalry available to the Warriors of Chaos comes in the form of Chaos Knights, both the base variant and the Lances version. Both unit types are successful at what they’re supposed to do, with great base stats to propel them into the top 3 on the list. Wielding high armor and shields is incredibly beneficial, making them surprisingly tanky despite how much damage they can dish out.

1. Chaos Giant

You can look at the entire Warriors of Chaos roster, maybe even the rosters of the entire Old World factions and you won’t find a unit as scary as a Chaos Giant. This unit is exactly the same as other Giant units in terms of stats but combine it with the rest of the units available to the Warriors of Chaos and you have an even scarier monster. Sure, Giants are slow, lumbering beasts but once they get into the fight, they’ll stay there until their enemies are dead.

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Total War: Warhammer - Chaos Warriors For Mac Os

The Chaos Warriors

The Chaos Warriors Race Pack brings a new race with its own new Legendary Lords, units, mounts, items, quest chains and mechanics to Total War™: WARHAMMER®.

Lay waste to the Old World as the dreaded Chaos Warriors. This Pack includes a full roster of bloodthirsty units, terrifying mounts and monstrous creatures. Lead the corrupted Chaos hordes as one of three new playable Legendary Lords. Embrace the Ruinous Powers as you embark on brand new quest chains, unlocking powerful items and gaining glory in the name of the dark Chaos Gods.

Beyond Kislev, beyond Troll Country, beyond even the barren Norsca Peninsula lies a land shrouded in darkness, frozen in an unnatural, never-ending winter. Here, the mortal realm and the immaterial realm of Chaos overlap, creating an uncontrollable gateway to that infernal dimension from which all manner of nightmarish creatures spew forth.

It is a place where few mortals have dared to venture, and even fewer have returned. The wild people that live in the lands to the south are devout in their worship of the Chaos Gods and many seek to journey north and offer themselves up to become tools of their will. Those that do survive this unholy pilgrimage and live to tell the tale are irreversibly altered. Clad in dark armour bearing the dread marks of ruinous favour, possessed of an unwavering resolve to carry out the will of their malevolent deities, with the indomitable Archaon the Everchosen as their leader, these are the mighty Chaos Warriors!

This pack makes the entire Chaos Warrior race from the main game playable in the Grand Campaign and multiplayer matches; as well as adding entirely new Legendary Lords, Lords, Heroes, Units, Magic Items and more.

Warhammer Total War Chaos Strategy

Legendary Lords:

Players choosing the Chaos Warriors will be able to select from the following Legendary Lords with which to lead their Grand Campaign.

Sigvald the Magnificent

Beautiful from birth, Sigvald’s fondness for hedonistic excess saw him exiled from his tribe but also gained him a powerful patron: Slaanesh. Now, he heads an army devoted to himself. Slaying anything he deems ugly or unsavoury, he fights as much for his perverse ego as he does for Slaanesh.

Total War: WARHAMMER - Chaos Warriors For Mac
Archaon the Everchosen

A former Sigmarite Templar, Archaon stumbled upon an ancient doctrine that contained within the secrets of his faith. Renouncing his allegiance to Sigmar he journeyed north to the dreaded Chaos Wastes to offer his service to the Chaos Gods. Here, the Ruinous Powers gave him their blessing to set out on his quest to become the Everchosen; the Lord of the End Times.

Kholek Suneater

Kholek Suneater is a formidable figure to behold. A gigantic Dragon Ogre, believed by many to be the second eldest of all Dragon Ogres, he towers over the battlefield swinging his gigantic hammer with ease. He is considered by some to be a God.


- New Horde playstyle! Introduces Horde-style gameplay to Total War: WARHAMMER, allowing the Chaos Warriors to raze enemy settlements and set up encampments anywhere, taking their war spoils with them. The armies of Chaos rest only when exhaustion halts their marching, leaving nothing but corruption and ash in their wake.

- New units, buildings, items and technologies: Unlock new units, buildings and technologies. Seek out the powerful Artefacts of Chaos and become the true Herald of the Apocalypse.

- Spread corruption in the name of Chaos! The foul energies that drive the Chaos Warriors leave ripples that permeate any place they pass through, influencing the populace. Use this to spread dissent amongst the enemies of Chaos, creating cultist uprisings through the proliferation of dark worship.

Key Units:

- Chaos Warriors

No longer fully human, the Chaos Warriors have been altered to become living weapons, honed perfectly to do their dark masters’ work. Imbued with the strength of chaos, enrobed in dark hell-forged armour, they can best several mortal warriors easily. They have no need for food, drink, sleep or other mortal comforts, subsisting on carnage alone.

- Chaos Dragon (Mount)

Once, these great beasts sailed the skies as their brethren still do. Now, corrupted by change, these two-headed dragons are malevolent predators in their own right. One head spews forth dark flame, the other corrosive gas. Only the most powerful can ride such a monster, and even then it is only a temporary alliance, Chaos Dragons can never be tamed.

- Forsaken

Once proud men, their long-standing service to the Chaos Gods has left them altered. Where once they killed in the name of ambition and glory, their mutations have made them something less than human. Now they fight, whirlwinds of flailing flesh, hair and claw, only to satisfy their unending, unnatural hunger.

- Dragon Ogres

These magnificent, terrible beasts are amongst the most ancient and impressive of all living creatures. Their immortality is a gift from the Chaos Gods, given in exchange for an eternity of dark servitude. Seeking out lightning, they swing their gigantic weapons with ease, cleaving all but the most powerful warriors to ribbons.

- Gorebeast Chariot

A massive construction of hell-forged metal, mutant beast and jagged blade, the Gorebeast Chariot is ridden by some of the most powerful Warriors of Chaos and serves a single purpose: to shatter enemy lines with unstoppable force.

- Hellcannon

The Hellcannon is a massive artifice of metal and daemonic power that hurls bolts of raw arcane energy across the battlefield, vaporising anything in range. Part war machine, part Daemon, this infernal construct is powered by the liquefied remains of fallen enemies and operated by a sturdy crew of Chaos Dwarfs.

Full Unit Roster:

Note that Legendary Lords, Lords and Heroes can be ‘Melee’, ‘Ranged’, ‘Caster’ or a hybrid mix of types. This indicates their ideal role on the battlefield.

Legendary Lords:

- Archaon the Everchosen – Caster/Melee (Race Leader) (Lore of Fire)

o Faction-wide trait: ‘Everchosen’ – With Archaon heading your invasion, not only will you be able to move farther on the campaign map, you find it much easier to recruit Chaos Warriors and Chosen.

Warriors Of Chaos Total War

- *Prince Sigvald the Magnificent – Melee

o Faction-wide trait: 'Scion of Slaneesh' – Sigvald's inflated sense of self-worth emanates to those around him, increasing the Chaos Corruption he causes and giving him leadership bonuses versus human enemies.

- *Kholek Suneater – Melee

o Faction-wide trait: 'Herald of the Tempest' – Kholek is a mighty force to behold, even to other Dragon Ogres of his kind. As such both Dragon Ogres and Dragon Ogre Shaggoths have reduced upkeep when playing as Kholek.


- *Chaos Sorcerer Lord - Caster (Lore of Death, Metal or Fire)

- Chaos Lord – Melee


- Chaos Sorcerer - Caster (Lore of Death, Metal or Fire)

- Exalted Hero – Melee


- Dhorghar, Archaon's War Horse (Archaon only)

- *Manticore

- *Chaos Dragon

- Chaos Steed

- Barded Chaos Steed

Melee Infantry:

- Chaos Marauders

- Chaos Marauders (Great Weapons)

- Chaos Warriors

- *Chaos Warriors (Great Weapons)

- Chaos Warriors (Halberds)

- Chosen

- Chosen (Great Weapons)

- *Chosen (Halberds)

- *Forsaken

Melee Monstrous Infantry:

- *Dragon Ogres

- Chaos Spawn

Warhammer chaos warrior

Total War Warhammer Chaos Warriors

- Chaos Trolls

- *Chaos Trolls (Armoured)

Melee War Beasts:

- Chaos Warhounds

- Chaos Warhounds (Poison)

Melee Monsters:

- *Dragon Ogre Shaggoth

- Chaos Giant

Melee Cavalry

- Chaos Knights

- Chaos Knights (Lances)

Missile Cavalry

- Marauder Horsemen

- Marauder Horsemen (Throwing Axes)


- Chaos Chariot

- *Gorebeast Chariot


- Hellcannon

Total War Warhammer Chaos Warriors

*These units are exclusive to the Chaos Warriors Race Pack and will not appear in the base game if you do not have the DLC..

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