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Premium chess lessons, which are guaranteed to help improve the level of your chess game.

21 Days to Supercharge Your Chess: Complete Training Program

“Give me 21 Days and I’ll Show You How to Become a Dramatically Better Chess Player… Guaranteed”

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GM Marian Petrov is back with his complete guide to this fascinating opening. His 10-hour Complete Ruy Lopez walks you through every major variation, explaining how the different choices change the dynamic of the game.

In this 10-hour, 20-chapter course, GM Ibro Saric reveals how to win with the 9 elements of advanced positional play. A course for players in the 1200-1800 range looking to reach 2000-2200 Elo and beyond.

IM Kolosowski is back with his 10-hour Practical Endgame Mastery, the ultimate toolbox of winning techniques for tricky endgame positions like QvR.

In this 10-hour Masterclass, GM Bryan Smith presents 32 deeply analyzed and expertly explained attacks on the king, each one taken from a real GM game. And you only have to learn these techniques and ideas once – they never change!

GM Marian Petrov has just completed his 10.5-hour guide Sicilian Defense – Complete Repertoire for Black, a deadly repertoire against anything White might try! Split into 10 chapters, Sicilian Defense – Complete Repertoire reveals how to take down each of White’s alternatives with model games, sneaky traps, and deep strategies.

Ukrainian FM Yuriy Krykun (2342 Elo) – a lifelong investigator of endgame mysteries – has recorded a new type of endgame course, one that shows you how to see things 90% of players miss… and convert them to victory, time and again.

In his new 10 hour course, IM Mat Kolosowski reveals the many secrets of central control – and how you can use them to dominate your games.

GM Petrov has designed this course to get you the edge in any variation of the King’s Indian and teach you how to convert your advantage into a win – even if you’ve never played the opening before!

In this 12-hour Mastermind with GM Smith, you’re going to learn how to play all the theoretical endings perfectly. These are the positions where there is a definite winning (or drawing) technique – and they form the basis of all other positions too.

This is a complete training in the art of checkmate, using studies, tactical positions, and full games to teach you how to finish games with attacking play. And it is all based on simple, yet very powerful 3-step-system for learning PATTERNS.

If you want to make the Semi-Slav your new secret weapon, Viktor Neustroev is here to help. His brand new 14-hour course explains all the ideas behind the popular variations and shows HOW to put them into practice with analysis of the most instructive GM games.

In this 10-hour course, FIDE Trainer and Olympiad Coach GM Marian Petrov covers winning games with direct attacking play. Attacks on the kingside, queenside, opposite-side castling, same side… GM Petrov provides attacking blueprints for every situation.

Calculation Mastermind with IM Mat Kolosowski

In his new Calculation Mastermind course, Mat has drawn on decades of chess ideas to teach you the QUICKEST and most EFFECTIVE methods for finding strong moves in any position.

Positional Mastery of Magnus Carlsen with GM Davorin Kuljasevic

Supercoach GM Darvin Kuljasevic has put together an extraordinary 8-hour training that explains – in detail – how Carlsen dominates the world’s elite using just 9 positional techniques. Learn these and you will slice through even your toughest opponents like a hot knife through butter.

Positional Chess Mastermind with GM Bryan Smith

In this MasterMind course, GM Bryan Smith reveals the 21 most important positional elements that are responsible for nearly every win or loss over-the-board!

Converting Advantage into a Win with IM Illia Golichenko

‘Converting Advantage into a Win’ arms you with the 6 most effective ways of realizing an advantage and winning your game. IM Golichenko will be guiding you through every move in the program, and showing how to add them to your game so you can become the most dangerous player in your club!

Sicilian Kan Secret Weapon for Black with NM Neustroev

“The course is designed with 1500-2200 rated players in mind. The “ideal student” is a club level player who wants to add a powerful, yet “low-theory” weapon against 1.e4 in his repertoire, sufficient for outplaying 2300 rated players.”

Opening Mastery – Dominate with 1.d4 – GM Petrov

“In this 10.5-hour course, FIDE Trainer and Olympiad Coach GM Marian Petrov cover almost all possible lines that white could encounter after the most popular 1.d4. It is developed with practical chess players in mind!”

Attacking Mastermind with GM Bryan Smith

“We picked the 25 most effective attacking plans and meticulously explored EACH and EVERY one of them in this brand-new Attacking Mastermind. The outcome is the powerful attacking arsenal that you can use to crash your opponents.”

Tactics Crash Course with IM Mat Kolosowski


“This is a “hands-on” course, meaning that you will actively participate in the training. It includes on-the-spot analysis that is helpful for your pattern recognition and visualization. Mat also reveals tactical training secrets that are used primarily by 2600- and 2700-rated GMs as well as the structured approach for increasing your tactical ability.”

Defense Mastery with IM Mat Kolosowski

“Defense Mastery with IM Mat Kolosowski gives you a clear execution plan for saving a lost position and sometimes even turning it into a win. It took IM Kolosowski a decade to develop and polish this system.”

Art of Defensive Play with IM Andrey Ostrovskiy

“In this course, IM Ostrovskiy revels his signature approach for SAVING the positions you previously thought were “dead lost”. You will get his exact master plan with the step-by-step guidance allowing you to save MANY of your inferior positions and CONVERT some into the wins.”

Middlegame Mastery with GM Davorin Kuljasevic

“In this 9-hour Middlegame Mastery, GM Kuljasevic goes over all the typical central pawn structures [around 30 types] to make sure you get the most up to date, reliable insight on how to treat each and every one of those positions.”

Prophylaxis Masterclass with IM Valeri Lilov

“In this masterclass, IM Lilov has adopted the same principles that have been proven effective time and time again by classic players (think Aron Nimzowitsch) …and bridged the gap to the chess players’ needs of today!”

Opening Mastery – Dominate with 1.e4 by GM Marian Petrov

“Contrary to many other resources on opening preparation, GM Marian Petrov does a superb job keeping this course lean and concise. GM Petrov believes that simplicity is the key to perfect execution.”

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Attacking Chess Secrets with IM Alex Battey

“In this 10-hour masterclass, IM Alex Battey shares his blueprint for launching powerful attacks with maximum ease and near perfect execution! Throughout this course, IM Battey provides you with 10 must-know elements to construct a successful attack.”

Strategic Endgame Mastery with IM Mat Kolosowski

“In this 10-hour “university level” course, IM Mat Kolosowski provides you with the full arsenal of all the necessary tools to crack practical endings. By learning those 5 endgame themes and applying Mat’s thinking models you’ll be able to maximize your over the board performance in no time!”

Evaluation Mastery with GM Bryan Smith

“In this 8-hour course, GM Smith shares a very powerful methodology for evaluation of positions based on 4 groups of imbalances.

Four Knights Sicilian with GM Davorin Kuljasevic

“GM Kuljasevic has 15 years of experience playing and coaching this “under the radar” opening. In fact, the Four Knights Sicilian helped Davorin to quickly jump from a 2000 player to an International Master.”

Key Squares Mastery with IM Vojislav Milanovic

“In this 10-hour Key Squares Mastery with IM Vojislav Milanovic, you will learn to flawlessly read the position, identify the critical squares, plan and maneuver your pieces to occupy the key squares and execute the plan.”

Planning Masterclass with IM Mat Kolosovski

“Planning Masterclass with IM Mat Kolosovski gives you a clear blueprint for achieving a favorable position and turning it into a win.”

Positional Chess Mastery with GM Petrov

“In this 7-hour course, FIDE Trainer and Olympiad Coach GM Marian Petrov covers 15 positional themes every chess player must know.”

Secrets of Dynamic Play with IM Valeri Lilov

“Imagine winning all those tournaments you play, collecting prizes and trophies, moving up in ELO ranks FAST, surprising all your chess friends who never believed it is possible… while enjoying your games!”

Chess Strategy Mastery with GM Bryan Smith

“A world’s renowned chess expert, GM Bryan Smith compiled over a decade of his experience as a player and coach creating a “university level” course on chess strategy.”

Grandmaster’s Thinking with GM Davorin Kuljasevic

“Grandmaster Thinking” is the quickest shortcut to learning the Grandmasters’ methodology of playing good moves, and consistently outplaying your competition.

Pawn Structure Mastery with IM Mat Kolosowski

IM Mat Kolosowski has developed a practical system for training ANYONE to recognize and take advantage of all typical pawn structures. After finishing this course you will have a clear-and-precise mind map for all 5 most common pawn structures.

Minor Piece Endgame Mastery II with IM Andrey Ostrovskiy

IM Ostrovskiy gives you the SYSTEM of thinking that will help you at playing the minor piece endgames and once you’ll get the hang of you’ll be playing one an autopilot!

Minor Piece Endgame Mastery with IM Andrey Ostrovskiy

“In this 15-lessons course, we are going to take your Minor Piece Endings to the next level. You will learn the execution plans, ideas and strategies that Grandmasters use to convert these positions into victories.”

Winning Endgame Strategies with GM Davorin

“In this 15-lesson video course, we are going to take your endgame understanding to the next level. You will learn the specific and very effective methods that professional chess players use to achieve endgame mastery.”

The Attacking Masterclass with IM Mat Kolosowski

“IM Kolosowski combines two decades of his own experience with the ideas of the top players from the past and presents delivering the most complete, up to date “college level” course on Attacking Chess.”

The Blumenfeld Gambit with IM William Paschall

“This 6-hour course arms you with a dynamic, yet sound repertoire for Black against 1.d4. This opening is meant to be played sharply and for the initiative, but I do not recommend unsound sacrifices or speculative continuations.”

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Reti: The System for White with IM Valeri Lilov

“In this 6-hour course, IM Lilov gives you the quickest shortcut to mastering the Reti System making sure you get the initiative early on and punish your opponent for each and every inaccuracy.”

Tactical Mastery with GM Davorin Kuljasevic

“Mastering tactics, as opposed to positional understanding, endgame or the openings, translates to other parts of the game. By learning tactics to a significantly high degree, everything else simply flows from there.”

Tal’s Attacking Secrets with IM Valeri Lilov

“In this course, IM Valeri Lilov goes over some of the most-instructive Tal’s games and explains some of the most effective techniques that Tal utilized to demolish his opponents – time-after-time.”

Catalan – The System for Black with IM Andrey Ostrovskiy

“In this 7-hour course, you will learn everything a player needs to know to jump-start your understanding of Closed Catalan for Black including piece placement, pawn structures, key plans, maneuvers, setups, and ideas.”

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Middlegame Masterclass with IM William Paschall

“Middlegame masterclass with IM Paschall is a 10-hour video course covering “everything middlegame” for under 2200 rated player must know.”

Practical English: Complete System for White IM Lilov

“IM Valeri Lilov uses his innovative approach based on understanding a very specific “beat sequences” and key plans to minimize preparation time. This is a much more effective way of learning than the traditional methods.”

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Art of Calculation with IM Andrey Ostrovskiy

“Each and every move in chess is a decision. The quality of decision you make determines the quality of your play. Both are directly connected to calculation, meaning that calculation basically decides your strength as a chess player…”

Beating Stronger Opponents with IM Renier Castellanos

“In this new course, IM Renier Castellanos is sharing his signature techniques of successfully playing against those significantly stronger opponents. By using this methodology, IM Castellanos was able to beat 2600+ players, being only 2400.”

Practical Endgames For Club Players with IM Valeri Lilov

“In this brand new 6-hour course, IM Valeri Lilov teaches you the 47 most important endgames that anyone from an amateur to Grandmaster must know.”

Openings Course for Beginners with IM Valeri Lilov

“Most beginners have HUGE problems with the opening preparation. They either spend too much time on a single line trying to memorize it till move 35 or simply get lost in never-ending sub-variations. Sounds familiar? This course will fix it!”

Comprehensive Positional Course for Club Players with IM Castellanos

“Good positional understanding is one of the main criteria separating masters from club players. Everyone knows how to study tactics, openings, and endgames. But, when it comes to something more sophisticated like positional understanding – majority of players simply don’t know where to start. This course will fix it!”

Bobby Fischer’s Opening System with IM Valeri Lilov

“Majority of club players don’t have problems playing openings lines. They have huge problems, however, when those lines end. By using Fischer’s methodology you won’t need to rely on memorization and theory knowledge.”

Winning with Counter-Attack with IM Lilov

“Counter-attack is not magic. It is a pure science and a little bit of art. By learning how to counter-attack using IM Lilov’s methodology you will instantly turbo-charge both: your defensive and attacking skills.”

The Art of Checkmate with IM Castellanos

“Majority of club players lack а good understanding of typical mating combinations, piece maneuvers, and sacrifices which prevent them from delivering over 85% of checkmates. Sounds familiar? This course will fix it!”

Winning Exchanges IM Valeri Lilov

“By learning how to make good exchanges, you almost certainly will have a decisive edge which could be enough to beat most under 2200 level players!”

Winning with Positional Sacrifice by GM Victor Mikhalevski

“Some of the greatest chess minds in history of the game employed the positional sacrifice as the weapon of choice to win tournaments, matches and even World Championship titles.”

Comprehensive Beginner’s Course: 0-1400 ELO

“Give Me 20 Hours and I Will Show You How to become a Club Strength Chess Player!”

“It is no surprise that TACTICS is the key to winning chess games all the way up to 2200 elo. If you are under 1800 rated, tactics is absolutely must-study element!”

Strategic Planning with IM Valeri Lilov

“If you want to succeed at chess it is crucial to start coming up with a good plan. That’s where the problems come for 95% of chess players.”

“All chess players want to learn how to attack, but they don’t realize that the reason why their ELO isn’t 2200 yet is because of their poor defensive technique, not the attacking skills. The truth is, the ability to attack and to defend are equally important.”

Dominate with Queen’s Indian Defense with GM Werle

“The Queen’s Indian Defense is a very powerful weapon for those who think that a draw against 1.d4 is not enough. Many world champions employed this opening with great success. Bobby Fischer, Garry Kasparov, and recently Magnus Carlsen achieved many brilliant victories with a help of the Queen’s Indian.”

Dominate King and Pawn Endgames with IM Lilov

“Despite its visual simplicity, king and pawn endgame is a very complicated subject in chess. The majority of club level players nowadays do not spend an appropriate amount of time to get familiar even with some of the most typical positions.”

Grandmaster Level Middlegame Understanding with IM Lilov

“The middlegame I repeat is chess itself, chess with all its possibilities, its attacks, defenses, sacrifices, etc.” – Eugene Znosko-Borovsky

Grandmaster Level Psychology with GM Tiberiu Georgescu

“Many of the strongest Grandmasters agree that psychology is one of the most important factors in chess. It is not a secret that strong GMs can exploit their opponent’s emotional state, read their fears and predict plans.”

Grandmaster Level Evaluation of Positions with GM Misa Pap

“The trick is not to calculate the moves, but to correctly and precisely evaluate the position that arises. This is the true art. The more precisely you can evaluate the position the stronger chess player you are.”

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Grandmaster Level Calculation with GM Daniel Gormally

Calculation is really the bread and butter of being an elite chess player. Without the ability to out-calculate your opponents it is nearly impossible to get consistent results.”

Dominating Open Positions with GM Victor Mikhalevski

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Open positions are one of the most common types at chess. By learning how to play the open positions correctly you will take your game on the whole new level.”

Winning with Positional Sacrifice by GM Victor Mikhalevski

“Some of the greatest chess minds in history of the game employed the positional sacrifice as the weapon of choice to win tournaments, matches and even World Championship titles.”

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The Art Of Attacking Chess with GM Sipke Ernst

“Attacking chess is something that truly separates the greatest minds of all time from the rest: Mikhail Tal, Bobby Fischer, Garry Kasparov, and now Magnus Carlsen…”

Grandmaster Level Positional Understanding with GM Mikhaylo Oleksienko

“What is the main difference between a Grandmaster and an amateur? It is the understanding of positions on a very fundamental level, or what’s called the positional understanding.”

Dominate Rook Endgames with GM Alex Ipatov

“Rook endgames are the most common and probably one of the most complex of all endings. No wonder 90% of chess players have trouble with them. This course will make rook endgames one of your strongest sides!”

Private Lessons

Book private lessons with IM Renier Castellanos