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The 2020 US presidential election might be over, but just as other elections in the past, its stories and lessons remain: why did the winner win and the loser lose? What issues do American care deeply about at this moment? How will the country look like 4 years from now? Each question unfolds other questions that would take forever to find the right answers. Luckily, Democratic Socialism Simulator will help us solve part of our wonders, if not all. In this episode, we examine the choices a president makes during his/her term as well as the repercussions they bring. We hope you will gain insights into what makes a successful presidency.
- Flanagan, Mary. Critical Play: Radical Game Design. p. 4-6 Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2009.
- Johnson, Steven. Everything Bad Is Good for You: How Today’s Popular Culture Is Actually Making Us Smarter. p. 26-27. New York: Riverhead Books, 2005.
- Ketsa. “Empty Playground.” Free Music Archive.
- Engel, Kai. “Homeroad.” Free Music Archive.
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