CoH 2 - Soviet Commander: Urban Defense Tactics Crack

  1. Coh2 Urban Defense Tactics
  2. Coh 2 - Soviet Commander: Urban Defense Tactics Cracked
  1. SOVIET COMMANDER: URBAN DEFENSE TACTICS; Muster your defenses to fight the enemy street to street and house to house. Plant traps and build forward emplacements to strengthen your line.INCENDIARY ARTILLERY BARRAGEAreas if the map can be bombarded with incendiary round to burn infantry and deny access.
  2. Urban defense commander would be still better thanks to the kv-2, shocktroops, and booby trap ability, and giving FHQ to the defensive tactics would be very nice altenartive. And if for some strange reason you don't think that howitzer/FHQ is a good idea for this commander, booby trap territory ability would also fit this commander nicely.
  3. Emphasize the need for economic uplift for the black urban poor B. Adopt much of the rhetoric and tactics of the militant blacks C. Retire so that younger leaders could move to the forefront D. Focus on his opposition to the war in Vietnam E. Declare that the fight for black equality was largely won.

T3: Urban defense is 'OP' with teamwork on certain maps and certain buildings. Counter attack has fallen from the meta after the B4 nerf and the increase on popularity of CAS. T4: Here comes the usable but there are other commander which are way better tier. Advance Warfare, Lend Lease, Soviet Industry, Terror, Shock army, Armored Assault.

Feb 15th, 2015
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History’s great armies were great not simply because of their warriors, or their equipment, but because of their leaders. What would the Achaemenid Persian Empire have been without the military leadership of Cyrus the Great, or the Hellenistic civilization without Alexander the Great? As a would-be Soviet Commander, you have your contemporary, Georgy Zhukov, to live up to! He defended Moscow, Stalingrad, and Kursk, and led the Red Army to Berlin. To defeat your enemy, you will need the right man to lead your troops.

Thanks to weak German cyphers, you can now learn when a new enemy building has been constructed as well as know when a fresh squad or vehicle has been called onto the battlefield.

Build T34/85 Tanks from the Mechanized Armor Kampaneya. The scarier big brother of the T-34, the T-34/85 is both more heavily armored and packs a bigger punch than the T-34. This medium tank can stand toe to toe with PIVs and may also utilize flanking and Mark Vehicle to cause problems for even the heaviest German armor.

'It's like New Year's Day, comrades!' Conscripts can be equipped with two PPsH-41 Submachine Guns for better short-range firepower. In combination with the ‘Hit the Dirt’ ability, the once relatively weak Conscripts can be a match for the German infantry with greatly increased durability and lethality.

Demonstrating pure ingenuity, Conscripts can repair any damaged structure, vehicle, or bridge. Your tank crews will thank you later.

The IL-2 Sturmovik will strafe the designated area along a line. Deals a high amount of damage to any enemy unit with powerful 23mm cannons, even able to slightly penetrate heavy German tanks. Lethal to infantry and an excellent area denial weapon.

Thanks to weak German cyphers, you can now learn when a new enemy building has been constructed as well as know when a fresh squad or vehicle has been called onto the battlefield.

Anti-Infantry Partisans can be called in from ambient buildings or offmap. These squads are low in survivability, but make up for it with their ability to ambush and harass the enemy's rear. They can also lay anti-tank mines and wire.

Anti-Tank Partisans can be called in from ambient buildings or offmap. These squads can hunt down tanks from the rear with their anti-tank weapons and grenades. They can also lay anti-tank mines.

Your civilian informants give you information on enemy positions on your mini-map. Use this information to crush the Huns!
CoH 2 - Soviet Commander: Urban Defense Tactics Crack

This ability lets you target an enemy vehicle. While the ability is active (for a duration of 60 seconds), the enemy vehicle is subject to an increase in 'focused fire' which increases all damage done to the vehicle.

Harness the industrial might of the Soviet Union! Divert manpower back to the factories in exchange for precious fuel. Also makes all vehicles build much faster.

Your engineers can now build repair facilities for a nominal munitions cost.
CoH 2 - Soviet Commander: Urban Defense Tactics Crack

Tank crews may now repair their damaged vehicles, at the expense of movement and combat capability for the duration of repairs.

Time to heat up the Eastern Front! Give your enemies a warm gift from the motherland with this KV-8 Flamethrower tank. This multi-purpose tank has the ability to switch between the use of a Flamethrower and of its 45mm main gun. It won’t beat a tank, but can deal decent damage to light vehicles and roast any infantry that tries to get close to it, all with moderate armor and health.

KV2 Heavy assault tanks can now be deployed. This fearsome beast can siege enemy defensive lines from far away, then close the distance and smash through any survivors.

The DSHK heavy machinegun can be deployed to the battlefield. Effective vs. infantry and lightly armored vehicles.

These light mines can be constructed by combat engineers. They are cheap, and powerful vs. infantry when planted in clusters.

Call in a 120mm Mortar from off-map. It has a better range than its smaller counterpart, the standard PM-41 82mm Mortar. The 120mm rounds will put fear into your enemies’ soldiers.

Allows Combat Engineers to build tank traps. These obstacles will deter any tank from moving in your territory, and can be used to funnel enemy assaults.

Coh2 Urban Defense Tactics

This light AT gun makes up for power with its low cost and high rate of fire. Very effective vs. light vehicles, and even mediums when placed on flanks.

You may turn any ambient building into a Forward Headquarters. Forward Headquarters deploy medics, reinforce infantry, and boost the morale of nearby infantry, making them fight harder.

This light AT gun makes up for power with its low cost and high rate of fire. Very effective vs. light vehicles, and even mediums when placed on flanks.

Allows you to booby trap key territory points, leaving the Germans a high explosive surprise!

The designated area will be bombed with incendiary rounds, dealing heavy damage to any infantry in the area. It is best used to defend Victory Points or other strategic points, as the flames will force your opponent to move out of the capping zone. Does not affect tanks, although it can scare away repairing engineers.

This ability lets you target an enemy vehicle. While the ability is active (for a duration of 60 seconds), the enemy vehicle is subject to an increase in 'focused fire' which increases all damage done to the vehicle.

Shock Troops effective at close-range combat can be ordered onto the battlefield. Equipped with PPSh-41 submachine guns, bullet-resistant armor, smoke grenades and hand grenades, these hardened assault troops are dangerous close-quarters fighters.

A plane will fly over the designated area for a small period of time, revealing all enemy units and terrain near the location. Use it to find enemy anti-tank guns, MG positions, infantry movement or scout the base to see what your opponent is teching.

All infantry units will move at full speed and fight with renewed vigor. They are ready to lay down their lives for the motherland, who are you to stop them?

A B4 heavy Howitzer can be built by your Combat Engineer. The B4 fires a single, large shell that will deal insane damage to anything it hits, whether it be infantry, armor, or structure.

Coh 2 - Soviet Commander: Urban Defense Tactics Cracked

Despite its name, the KV1 is less of a true heavy and more of a heavy medium. Use this tank to take a pounding, so that your longer range units can crush enemy defenses.