8/10 (718 votes) - Download Call of Duty: Black Ops Free. In Call of Duty: Black Ops for PC you'll carry out undercover combat actions as a soldier belonging to a group of special forces amidst the Vietnam War. Right now, Call of Duty is probably the most famous action and shooting video game.
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Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 + all DLC
Release Date: November 6, 2015
Genres / Tags: Action, Shooter, First Person, 3D
Developer: Treyarch
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- More – Call of Duty Black Ops 3 PC Download. Call of Duty Black ops 3 is set in 40 years ahead of time in the 2065 year after the events of black ops 2. The game has a well-built story mode with some rushing moments. Call of Duty Black ops 3 PC has three modes in-game Campaign, Zombie Mode, and Multiplayer Mode.
Publisher: Activision
Platform: PC
Engine: own
Steam Rating: 54% positive reviews of users (based on 30.697 reviews)

Language: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese Brazilian, Russian
Audio Language: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese-Brazilian, Russian
Crack: a built-in (Reloaded)
Minimum requirements:

operatingSystem:64-bit Windows 7 64-bit / Windows 64-bit / 64-bit Windows
Processor: Intel Core i3-530 @ GHz / AMD Phenom II X4 810 GHz @
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470 @ 1 GB / ATI Radeon HD 6970 1GB @
DirectX: 11
Hard Drive: 138 GB
Screenshots – click to enlarge
Treyarch, the developer two of the most popular games in the history of Call of Duty, back to Call of Duty: Black Ops III. For the first time in three years’ experience, a respected, award-winning studiyaSozdalHis first title forthe next-generation equipment in critically acclaimed series Black Ops. Welcome to the Call ofPlig: Black Ops 3, dark, perverse future where a new breed of soldier Black Ops, and the lines blur between our own humanity and technology that we have created to keep up in a world where advanced military robotics define war.
Call of Duty: Black Ops combines 3n three unique game modes: Campaign, Multiplayer and Zombies, giving fans of the deepest and most ambitious CallOfDuty ever. The campaign was developed as acooperative game, you can play up to 4 players online or as a solo film track. multiplayerDit to be the deepest, the most useful and most interesting to date, with new ways of ranking franchise, configure and prepare for battle. And Zombie delivers a whole new wonderful experience with its own dedicated story. Call of Duty: Black Ops can be played 3ten full online, and for the first time each of the proposals has its own unique player iProgressivnyeXP system. This title offers an unprecedented level of innovation,including the beautiful surroundings, had never experienced weapons and abilities, and the introduction of new and improved system of flowing movement. Everything has been developed by advanced technologies for the title, including a new system of artificial intelligence and animation, as well as images that fans updated standards to Pascall of Duty, from the critically acclaimed series is expected with cutting-edge lighting and Vizualnyyposledstviyasystems.
features repack
Based on the ISO issue: (53 529313 280 bytes)
Updates 1-26 (Update 16 recharge line) version of the game
All released DLC included and activated
bygevoeg7 additional languages (39 GB)
100% Less MD5 Perfect: all files are identical to the original after installation (when installed with lossless audio)
Call Of Duty Black Ops 3 Macbook Pro Download
NOTHING ripped, no recoded
Alternative sound that is available for all types and languages
Custom download function: jyLAAI can only install the SP,SP + LP, SP + ZM or SP + HM + MP for any language or set of languages
Much smallerfile size (compressed from 138 GB to a cumulative minimum GB for a single language with no file LP / Zombie)
Installation takes (data): ~ 2-3 hours for SP mode and 3-5 ureaf for SP + LP + Zombie
Installation is carried out (lossless audio): ~ 10-20 minutes
Installation takes (loss of audio): ~ 1-2 hours
Controlling the integrity after installation, so you can make sure that everything is set up correctly.
hard diskaPosleinstallation: to 138 GB (depending on the gekosekomponente and languages)
To installthis PACKED requires at least 2 GB of RAM (including virtual)
If you install multiple languages and later want to switch between them – go to _Locals guide within the game folder and copy; To the top of the game
watSpeel multiplayer with bots, run; At the root of the game (multiplayer files to be installed)
Repackaging for FitGirl
Why loss?
As you may know, I do not pack do losses. I hatethe idea unizheniyaKachestvo games.
But the game CoD – an interesting story. They sound less format (FLAC), andthese files are GIGABYTES.
That’s why I decided to make additional BIN files with losses for those who have problems with traffic, and do not care about the almost imperceptible deterioration in the quality (as indicated by my blind test). Audio files are encoded in a format best losses – OPUS and turned back to FLAC on machine of the user.
But you have in mind twothings like:
1) Lossy audio set mnogoDolshe, especially when installed Zombie mode or Multiplayer files. This price is much smaller.
2) For thefuture patches (recharge or mine, if they occur), you need to install the game with lossless sound, they will not install files with the losses.
Well, even if you install the first lossy files (if you have a low speed or the traffic limit), you can always download and install the original less for your game, putting them completely losslessmake.
So choose wisely.
Custom loading
EtaYavlyaetsya the main part of the description, because it tells you what files you need to download to play on your tongue waswith all the necessary parameters.
especially repak comes with 3 installation files.
First () only establish the basic game data without sound. It must start.
The second function () will install the files to the losses in an already established game.
Third () the original, lossless audio files already ingestelgeïnstalleergame.
Either use the second or third ustanovschikDolzhen to the main data, and not for both.
Let’s look at a few examples of sets of files you’ve downloaded. Examples of English. Fora different language download English * Files *, a * French * * * German and so on.
Polish users need to download the English files and select only the Polish language in the installer.
Single player campaign + Nightmare + Dead Ops Arcade mode with sound 2 losses. GB
Single player campaign mode + Nightmare +Dead Ops Arcade 2 + Zombie Mode Sound losses. GB
Singleplayer campaign + nightmare off + Dead Ops Arcade 2 + Free Run + multiplayer with bots lossy audio. GB
EVERY sound losses. GB
Singleplayercampaign + nightmare off + Dead Ops Arcade 2 with lossless sound. GB
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Single player campaign + Nightmare + Dead Ops Arcade mode 2 + zombie mode without sound losses. GB
Single player campaign mode + Nightmare + Dead Ops Arcade 2+ Free Run + multiplayer with bots with lossless audio. GB
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each oflossless audio. GB
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Problems installing?
You can solve out the problem guide
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