I’ve been meaning to post a review for the latest Borderlands 2 DLC, “Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt,” but there was a slight setback in that I hadn’t actually completed the storyline. Maybe it was the lack of a level cap increase, or the fact that with my already all-orange arsenal, I just haven’t felt motivated to play. Chandigarh fever.
Leave it to Gearbox to read my unenthusiastic mind, because this morning I woke up and saw that they had just released three new skins and heads for each character!
So, I decided to buy the new customization packs and log back into the game. Of course, I’d need to go back to Sanctuary to try the new stuff out, and I was still stuck in the middle of Sir Hammerlock’s quest. Decided to open up the game to the public and get through it as quickly as possible.
Honestly, I just wasn’t feeling the DLC. I don’t even think I’m going to review it, because I probably zoned out so many times during the process that it wouldn’t be objective. I equipped an infinity pistol, revived people when necessary, and went through the motions. After we beat the Final Boss, Jackenstein, the only thing that really excited me was that I got ANOTHER new head!

. Borderlands 2: Assassin Supremacy Pack. Borderlands 2: Captain Scarlett and her Pirate's Booty. Borderlands 2: Collector's Edition Pack. Borderlands 2: Commando. Borderlands 2: Siren Supremacy Pack. (XP Only/AMD Only) Mac System Requirements Minimum:OS: 10.7.5 (Lion), 10.8.4 (Mountain Lion) Processor: 2.4 GHz Intel. Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars. There are 957 reviews. Siren Supremacy Pack. Rated 4 out of 5 stars. There are 1 reviews 1. Wedding Day Massacre. Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars. There are 15 reviews 15. Assassin Supremacy Pack. Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars. There are 7 reviews 7.
I get where they’re going with Trigger Pull and the whole hunting theme, but it’s not my style. Wish they didn’t cover her hair with the hat (or at least made the hat cute…)
Was less than impressed with this look, so I decided to go through and try the rest of my new purchases. Borderlands describes the new sets as spanning three themes: Domination, Madness, and Supremacy. Each character pack costs $0.99 and includes one head and one skin.
Here are screen captures of all three packs on my siren:
Borderlands 2: Siren Madness Pack

Borderlands 2: Siren Supremacy Pack Download For Mac Os
Borderlands 2: Siren Domination Pack

Borderlands 2: Siren Supremacy Pack
I wish I could say I was more excited about the new heads. Throatcutter reminds me of an unoriginal cross between The Sidewinder and One-Eye Spy, while Ascendant is just plain creepy. The only one I felt hit the mark was Pigtail Pugilist, which was a welcome departure from Maya’s typically short hair. The bangs are terrible though >.<
Borderlands 2: Siren Supremacy Pack Download For Mac Windows 10
While none of the new heads were enough to convince me to abandon my beloved Kawaii Killer, I was happy to discover that when paired with the Love and Death skin, it looks like her nose is heart shaped! It’s probably my new favorite skin– love the toki-doki style and hot pink color. (Think Pink Pandoracorn on steroids!)
At the end of the day, I’m glad I spent the three bucks for the motivation to get back into the game until the next DLC (and hopefully level cap increase…) comes out in the summer. And I’m all dressed up and ready to kick some Voracidous the Invincible booty! Happy Hunting, y’all!
About the Game A new era of shoot and loot is about to begin. Play as one of four new vault hunters facing off against a massive new world of creatures, psychos and the evil mastermind, Handsome Jack. Make new friends, arm them with a bazillion weapons and fight alongside them in 4 player co-op on a relentless quest for revenge and redemption across the undiscovered and unpredictable living planet.Key Features:All-New Characters and All-New Classes: Four all new playable classes including the Siren, the Commando, the Gunzerker and the Assassin. Step into the role of the Gunzerker, whose highly deadly skills allow him to dual-wield any two weapons found in the game. Not only that, you will build on that skill to do more things with two guns than you ever imagined possible. Dual machine guns? Cool. Dual rocket launchers? Of course! Dual Sniper Rifles? Sure, if that’s your thing! Want to try other styles? More tactical perhaps? There are multiple classes to choose from!Dynamic Co-op online, and LAN: Share your adventures with friends both online and via LAN. Borderlands 2 features a seamless system enabling you to drop in and drop out of a campaign without ever having to restart the game. On top of that you can even take your new gear from any game to any other!World Connected Story: Find yourself left for dead in the frozen tundra of Pandora as you begin your quest of revenge and redemption. Expose the evil surrounding the Hyperion Corporation and take on the perpetrator of a universe-wide grand deception -- the nefarious Hyperion CEO, Handsome Jack. 87 Bazillion..Everything: In addition to the new gun system, you will lust after procedurally generated shields, grenades, Relics, class mods and much, much more. And you thought the original Borderlands had a ton of loot!Brand new environments on Pandora: Hunt through entirely brand new areas of Pandora that are more alive than ever! From the arctic tundra, through the dangerous grasslands, past the mysterious corrosive caverns to beyond, you’ll be surprised by the unpredictable world of Pandora at every turn!Brand new enemies: A whole slew of new enemies are out there to kill you in Borderlands 2. Hulking, gorilla-like Bullymongs, vicious predatory Stalkers and the Hyperion mechanical army, run by Handsome Jack, are just some of the new enemies in Borderlands 2.Note: The Mac version of Borderlands 2 is available in English, French, Italian, German and Spanish only.